
As Vakıf k12, we collaborate with all individuals, institutions and organizations that share our common purpose. This collaboration has three different dimensions: We act as a solution partner in a subject that institutions need, or we make strategic partnerships with individuals and/or organizations. In addition, we collaborate with organizations that support our projects.
MSGSU - Teacher Formation
In 2015, we conducted four 8-hour workshops in the field of technology and learning in the formation program opened by Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University for teachers. In these workshops, we presented examples of the use of tablets in the planning of learning and in the classroom. We shared our experiences in the classroom in the fields of tablet learning, online learning, technology and pedagogy with prospective teachers.
VKV Beykoz Koç Middle School
Before the construction of Beykoz Koç Secondary School, built by Vehbi Koç Foundation as a model school, we held a workshop with teachers and administrators. We contributed to the technology and learning approach of a building designed according to today's needs.
MEB Weekly Course Schedules
We presented our views on the Ministry of National Education's revisions to the Weekly Course Schedules. In the meetings, we made presentations on the changes that should be made to the high school weekly course schedules and conveyed our idea of a deeper learning experience with fewer courses.
OKA: Reading Tree Distribution
We first started the distribution of the Reading Tree with the financial support provided by TEV (Turkish Education Foundation) and our own resources. After the distribution to all primary schools in Muğla province, we completed the second phase covering all primary schools in Malatya. As a continuation of these two projects, we funded the project of the books we distributed in Ordu, Harran and Yavuzeli from the Vakıf k12's own resources.
TEGV - 4AS - Minerva Derneği
In addition to the distribution projects of the Foundation, we also supported the distribution of Reading Tree books in line with the requests of other associations and institutions. We continued to distribute books with their sponsorships and the Foundation's resources.
Reading Platform
The use of the Reading Platform in public schools is one of Vakıf k12's most important goal oriented projects. We have worked with supportive individuals, institutions and organizations to realize this project. For the last 5 years, our Reading Platform has been contributing to the learning of our students in public schools.