
Unfortunately, the mathematics performance of our students in national and international assessments is the clearest indicator of the serious problem in this field. We are aware that the root cause of this situation is the deficiencies and mistakes in mathematics education since the early years. However, in our current education system, central exams play a major role in transitions between schools. As a result, some students are disadvantaged against their peers due to their socio-economic conditions. In order to overcome the unfairness caused by this situation to an extent and to provide equal opportunities, we launched KAZANIRIM, our first project in the field of mathematics, which is the most effective subject in placing students in good high schools.
This study, in which learning and technology collide and in which we exhibit a different approach in terms of content, emerged at the end of an intensive process that lasted approximately two years. In the content, we tried to emphasize the connection between life and mathematics with new generation questions. We aimed for students to see mathematics not only as a set of operations but also as a field of meaning and thought.
In addition to the content, this application, which we aim for students to realize their own learning, was produced for 8th grade students. The fact that the application monitors the student's performance and identifies the areas that need improvement, provides reports to the student in this direction, and plans the next learning has set a good example as a digital learning application. In addition to the content, the online lessons and videos produced by Zeynep Yıldırım supported learning, making the application more widely used. Edict Digital undertook the software development of the Kazanırım application after the Reading Platform.