Reading Platform

Project Data
2021 - ...
Primary School Students
In the first quarter of the 21st century, online digital learning channels have redefined the learning ecosystem with unlimited access to learning materials and individual learning independent of time and space. These platforms provide students with online learning opportunities and continue learning in the classroom and after school.
One of the most important and long-term projects of Vakıf k12 was the Reading Tree project. In this project, which we started with 80 books at 12 levels, we increased the number of books to 214 and completed the software of the Reading Platform for students to access the books online. In the software project, we collaborated with Edict Digital, as in the software of other digital platforms and online learning materials.
Thanks to the Reading Platform, students can read the books assigned to their classes at different levels and times, repeating and enriching their entire reading experience. Another feature of the learning platform is that it provides learners with learning designs and materials prepared for all books in accordance with the MEB (Ministry of National Education) learning outcomes. In addition to learning, the Reading Platform has been widely used by teachers and schools as a complete learning tool with reports that track student learning, students reading records and assessment and evaluation materials.