School Restructure

Project Data
2015 - 2019
Middle & High School
Darüşşafaka Educational Institution
We started with Darüşşafaka Educational Institutions' request to switch to iPad learning and then served as the solution partner of this institution's Transformation Strategic Plan. In the DEK Strategic Plan prepared by Darüşşafaka Educational Institutions, the DEK Education Philosophy and DEK Education Model were defined, and we turned the work to be done in all areas into goals. The integration of technology and learning, which we proposed as a result of the analysis we conducted as Vakıf k12, became the main target and trigger of all school transformation efforts.

Project Data
2018 - 2022
High School
TEV İnanç Türkeş Private High School
Upon the request of the Turkish Education Foundation, which manages and supports the Turkish Education Foundation İnanç Türkeş Private High School, we served as a solution partner in the design and implementation of the T21C programs with the efficient use of resources, technology and learning. The T21C program has been a very important and pioneering work in this sense with its web-based learning material and process design. In particular, the English program, which serves different levels in the same age group, and the thematic science program include many innovations in terms of content and implementation.